
 Brand new Rest house

From this trip, seeing the development in Bentong, Rest House was indeed an important feature for this town.

There was an old Rest house along the main road in Ketari. Rumors had it that the place was haunted. The building torn down and was renovated into a community center. The state government then allocated this site. A better location befitting the stature of a Rest house. Right on top of a small hill. Gave the building this state-of-the-art design.

This chosen site is in the vicinity  of the district police headquarters.

In fact just in front of the headquarters. A separate road on the right of the complex, continuing uphill. This was a private road that service the Rest House area.

Here you see the frontage of the Rest house

At the time of our visit. Vincent & me, the place was relatively new. There was an introductory price of RM50 for a air-con room. At that rate and taking into consideration the class of set-up, it was a give-away.

Sitting in the patio in the front of teh building. It was a panoramic view. That of the rolling hills.

The distant hilltop {covered by clouds} Though you may not make it out, take it from me. The top right hand corner at the horizon is  Genting Highlands.

Wait for a clear day, the complex can be seen.

The Main Range shielded off a lot of pollutants emitted in the Klang valley. Air here on the eastern slope was fresh.  With good clean atmosphere and unpolluted air, you can be assured of a beautiful sunset view when the weather at the horizon permits.

I just fell in love with this place.

The Rest house, the patio and even this drive way looked irresistible.


I had this shot made of the car, outside the porch but still in the driveway.

From within the area of the rest house, every angle that you looked out to -  was the scene of a jungle!



Walking out of the building into the car park and into the front lawn. The compound of the rest house was a vantage actually very close and right behind the Bentong town.

With a closer look , one can easily identify the houses and shops of the town.

Then far away, patches on the slopes denote the activities that were going on among the hills opposite.

This hill is so strategic that it is high enough to provide conducive planting environment. Yet very close enough to the homes of farmers in many settlements. All of which were part of the suburbs.

Here is the scene of the interior of the building. The main hall and the stairways leading to the rooms also projected an air of luxury

In our causal discussions with the caretakers, we learned that this place was frequented by dignitaries.

Very often those organized get together and held political discussions.

Food and breakfast was available from a small restaurant that catered to the needs of the staying guest.


Here, we were enjoying our cuppa in the patio.

Now that we had found such wonderful places, it's only fair that we should devote some efforts  to come up with reasons. Just ways that we can tap such wonderful facilities available to us. For those of you who had just read this, who are like us. Some times not having nothing firm in mind, it is definitely a good place to sit and enjoy your coffee! Which, incidentally tasted very good on that day!- Who knows we could be charmed!


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