
 Menangkabau country

Under normal circumstances, an important town, e.g. Jelebu would have a Rest House. I desperately such this small town without success. Some resident remembered. Most who did, could not point out the location where the building once was on! That showed, the building was dismantled some years back. The town never had a replacement for that long time.

Finally, a middle age gentleman shocked me by elaborating on the changes that owuld be happening. He then directed me to the spot where the rest house should have been. That was more than I asked for.

It was here. Now only empty land. You can see it now. The new name Kuala Kelawang and the old name [smaller] at the bottom

This town had already flattened the Rest house. Piling had commenced on the adjacent land for the building of a new [Holiday Inn.] Rumored.


 It is unbelievable that a small community in Kuala Kelawang would have adequate flow of visitors to support perhaps a 3 star hotel!

Since there was no Rest House. I will show you some architectures. This place is till famous for.

First, the town Hall. Dramatically enhanced to project that culture.

Out of town toward Serting I drove. It was a good awakening that we were not the only ones who felt that the concept of Rest houses had outlived its usefulness.

The drive of this road inside the valley revealed the culture of the people who had settled down.

This house was typical Stilted, brown wooden walls. White windows and blue curtains.

Imagine passing several houses having same identity.

Or almost all having some resemblances to this features.


No this picture was taken in 2006.

I couldn't leave this page empty. In an extraordinary move. I made small update. Only to this page.

Mystery solved! It was not a Holiday Inn but the locally incorporated Sri Malaysia Hotel.

This was small town with large suburbs. very neat and scenic place with a good blend of buildings in traditional and contemporary designs

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